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Mother Daughter Connections®

Aug 28, 2023

Today on Mother Daughter Connections®, in this second installment of a 2-Part Series, I draw upon my experiences as an Resident Advisor (RA) at a BIG10 university to share about How To Help Your Daughter Have A Successful College Experience.


These next 12 minutes will help you help your daughter tremendously.


Aug 21, 2023

Today on Mother Daughter Connections®, 

 in this first installment of a 2-Part Series,

I draw upon my experiences as an Resident Advisor (RA) at a BIG10 university to share about How To Help Your Daughter Have A Successful College Experience.


These next 12 minutes will help you help your daughter tremendously.

Aug 14, 2023

On Mother Daughter Connections®, today I draw upon my experiences as an Resident Advisor (RA) at a BIG10 university to share about the 7 Skills Every Daughter Needs For College.


These 7 Skills involve:

  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. 'Rithmetic…


…but it's not the kind of 3-'s that you think.


Take a listen!...AND...

Aug 7, 2023

On today's episode of Mother Daughter Connections®, I'm joined by friend, Tina Owen, as we discuss personal safety.


After spending time in the healthcare industry of pediatrics and outpatient skin cancer surgery as a Certified Medical Assistant, Tina was introduced to Damsel In Defense in 2014 and was drawn to its...